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Thibarmy Squat


Improve Your Squat and Deadlift by Box Squatting

The Versatile Squat

The squat is widely recognized as the most versatile and effective exercise for overall functionality. It is often compared to the queen bee in a hive due to its central role in the realm of fitness.

Movement Patterns vs. Exercises

It is crucial to differentiate between exercises and movement patterns. Movement patterns are fundamental motions that form the basis of many exercises. The squat, for example, is a movement pattern that involves descending and ascending while maintaining a flexed knee position.

Box Squatting Variation

To enhance your squat and deadlift performance, consider incorporating box squatting into your workout routine. Box squatting involves lowering yourself to a seated position on a box or platform before rising back up.

This variation allows you to target specific muscle groups and improve your overall squatting form. For instance, you can perform a box squat with a focus on developing your quadriceps. This exercise can serve as a substitute for the deadlift, providing you with a more quad-centric movement pattern.

Specificity in Training

In the field of exercise science, specificity refers to the principle of targeting precise areas for improvement. By incorporating box squatting into your training regimen, you can enhance your ability to perform specific movement patterns, such as squatting and deadlifting.

The Special Exercises Series introduced by the author delves into various exercises designed to strengthen specific muscle groups and address specific weaknesses. This approach enables you to customize your training program to your individual needs.

